What We Do

We empower girls and women through boxing, while mothers from the Barrio thrive in our jewelry-making initiative. We also offer English and art classes for all ages. To support families in need, we distribute food bags and provide stoves, all with the mission of making dreams come true. Out of love, we build a legacy of compassion and resilience, lighting the way for generations to come.

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Mi Barrio Mi Sueño focuses on humanitarian aid and the continuous empowerment of vulnerable children and women in deprived neighborhoods of Medellin through safe spaces. Our focus includes  education, empowerment, employment, food, and sports to provide the necessary tools for them to have opportunities and achieve greater equality.


We turn our participants into free and empowered change leaders. We strive to be an inclusive safe space. And we envision a future where each individual is a leader of transformation and a generator of positive impact in their environment. That will make their dreams into a reality.

Work Together, Dream Together

The government calls these neighborhoods invasions. For the residents, it's called home

In Colombia, several communities were created by those seeking refugee and an alternative life from the violence and war. Emerging from rural areas plagued by paramilitary, soldier, and guerilla strife. These "invasions" were born as havens for refugees, crafting homes from wood scraps and discarded materials. Despite lacking national recognition, some have been embraced by local governments, with residents steadfastly calling them home for over two decades. Their resilience shines as a testament to hope.

To assist individuals in growing stronger and more self-assured, we follow Maslow's theory, which aligns with the personal needs of each participant. Through various projects addressing each level of the pyramid, we provide tools for comprehensive development. Our aim is to support everyone on their journey of self-realization, with each step on the pyramid contributing to building a stronger, more resilient individual and community.

Gender inequality is not only a pressing moral issue or a women’s issue, it’s a human rights issue.

The Fight for Gender Equality

Empowering women through education is a global force for equality. When girls have equal access, we witness better health, lower birth rates, and more female participation in the workforce. Educated women transform into professionals, entrepreneurs, leaders, and educators. At the Mi Barrio Mi Sueño Foundation, we're dedicated to fostering resilient change-makers among children and women, building sustainable communities for a brighter future.

Sustainable Development Goals

Working in unison with the community, we’ve created neighborhood programs that fall under the sustainable development goals of the United Nations, specifically Zero Hunger, Gender Equality and Quality Education. By working with these goals and realizing sustainable projects, we provide the community with opportunities to face a better future.

Ongoing Programs

Barrio Boxing

Where strong girls become strong women.

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Un Paso Adelante

A step forward by
providing education.

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Zero Hunger

Fight hunger in this
world of plenty.

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